A Simple Guide to Fire Safety Signs and What They Mean
Having fire safety signs in place ensures safety in the event of a fire. These signs indicate the locations of fire equipment, exits, and potential hazards for occupants. We have simplified the meaning of each sign and highlighted key points to help you stay safe with fire safety measures.
Fire Door Signs: These signs indicate that a particular door is a fire door, which must be kept shut to prevent the spread of fire and smoke. They are crucial for maintaining fire safety in buildings.
Fire Exit Signs: These signs mark the location of fire exits, showing the route to take in case of an emergency. They help people quickly find their way out of a building during a fire. These signs are always in blue and may have an exclamation mark on some signs, and they have two different shapes of circle and rectangle.
Fire Action Notices: These notices provide instructions on what to do if a fire is discovered. They typically include steps such as raising the alarm, calling the fire brigade, and evacuating the building.
Fire Assembly Point Signs: These signs show the designated area where people should assemble after evacuating a building during a fire. This helps ensure everyone is accounted for. Make sure your assembly point is accessible for wheelchair access and suitable for younger and older occupants. There are multiple signs for Fire Assembly Point and can be marked in different grades.
Fire Extinguisher Signs: These signs indicate the location and type of fire extinguisher available, along with instructions on how to use it. They are essential for quick access and proper usage during a fire. You’ll see water, dry powder, foam, wet chemical and carbon dioxide.
Fire Blanket Signs: These are used to smother small fires by cutting off the oxygen supply. They are especially effective for kitchen fires and can also be used to wrap around a person whose clothes are on fire. The sign ensures quick identification during emergencies. A fire blanket sign, typically red with white text and flame symbol, indicates the location of a fire blanket.
Fire Phone Signs: A fire phone sign, typically red with a white phone symbol and flames, indicates the location of a fire emergency telephone. This sign ensures that people can quickly find the fire phone to report a fire or receive instructions during an emergency from dedicated emergency services or the building’s fire control centre.
All signs are designed to provide easy-to-digest information. We’ve highlighted important signs for your awareness, but there are many signs out there. Need clarity over something? Get in touch with us today.